
Saturday, March 8, 2008

Top 25 Success Quotations

Consider what it takes to become an undeniable success with these sincere quotations that identify the fundamental factors necessary to triumph...

  1. " Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other thing."
    -- Abraham Lincoln

  2. "God gave us two ends. One to sit on and one to think with. Success depends on which one you use; head you win -- tails, you lose."
    -- Anonymous

  3. "The ladder of success is best climbed by stepping on the rungs of opportunity."
    -- Ayn Rand

  4. "Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get."
    -- B. R. Hayden

  5. "Success is a journey, not a destination."
    -- Ben Sweetland

  6. "The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes."
    -- Benjamin Disraeli

  7. "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody."
    -- Bill Cosby

  8. "The secret of success is to be in harmony with existence, to be always calm to let each wave of life wash us a little farther up the shore."
    -- Cyril Connolly

  9. "All of us are born for a reason, but all of us don't discover why. Success in life has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others."
    -- Danny Thomas

  10. "Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other."
    -- Erma Bombeck

  11. "Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire."
    -- Fred Shero

  12. "Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time."
    -- George Bernard Shaw

  13. "A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success."
    -- Joyce Brothers

  14. "Failure is success if we learn from it."
    -- Malcolm S. Forbes

  15. "The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you first find yourself."
    -- Mark Caine

  16. "True success is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful."
    -- Paul Sweeney

  17. "Get up one time more than you're knocked down."
    -- Peter's Principle of Success

  18. "Most people who succeed in the face of seemingly impossible conditions are people who simply don't know how to quit."
    -- Robert Schuller

  19. "The truth is that all of us attain the greatest success and happiness possible in this life whenever we use our native capacities to their greatest extent."
    -- Smiley Blanton

  20. "When your physical environment is in alignment with your aspiration, success becomes the norm."
    -- Susan St Lawrence

  21. "The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people."
    -- Theodore Roosevelt

  22. "The way to succeed is to double your error rate."
    -- Thomas Watson

  23. "Dictionary is the only place that success comes before work. Hard work is the price we must pay for success. I think you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price."
    -- Vince Lombardi

  24. "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm."
    -- Winston Churchill

  25. "Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have."
    -- Zig Ziglar

Resource Box - Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -


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